Send Beats To TreyZilla1995

Exclusive TreyZilla1995 is currently looking for beats for Raised By Crimson (EP)

10 Beats Sent

I'm a beginner lyricist and I have no equipment to record. I use beats to write.

South Carolina



I would like to get free for nonprofit beats for this project. If I like how this project sounds, I will purchase the beats. I'm looking for 6 YL Stunna type beats for this EP. Here is a link to one of YL Stunna's albums, "Raised In Cleveland". I preferably want beats similar to "Raised In Cleveland", "ROC" and "Angel" from the album.

Beat Requirements:

  • MP3
  • YL Stunna type beats
  • emotional
  • Raised In Clevelan type beat
  • ROC type beat
  • Angel type beat

Time Left: 78 days 17:08:19

Upload New Beats

Step 1:
Enter your contact details in the boxes below.
Step 2:
Select your beats from your device, or drag & drop.
Step 3:
Click "Upload", and TreyZilla1995 will be in touch if they want to use your beats.
Select Beats

Accepted File Types: MP3